Class GroupCall

Typed Event Emitter class which can act as a Base Model for all our model and communication events. This makes it much easier for us to distinguish between events, as we now need to properly type this, so that our events are not stringly-based and prone to silly typos.




activeSpeaker?: string
activeSpeakerInterval: number = 1000
activeSpeakerLoopTimeout?: Timeout
callHandlers: Map<string, ICallHandlers> = ...
calls: MatrixCall[] = []
client: MatrixClient
dataChannelOptions?: IGroupCallDataChannelOptions
dataChannelsEnabled?: boolean
groupCallId: string
initWithAudioMuted: boolean = false
initWithVideoMuted: boolean = false
isPtt: boolean
localCallFeed?: CallFeed
localDesktopCapturerSourceId?: string
localScreenshareFeed?: CallFeed
memberStateExpirationTimers: Map<string, Timeout> = ...
participantTimeout: number = ...
participants: RoomMember[] = []
pttMaxTransmitTime: number = ...
reEmitter: ReEmitter
resendMemberStateTimer: null | Timer = null
retryCallCounts: Map<string, number> = ...
retryCallInterval: number = 5000
retryCallLoopTimeout?: Timeout
room: Room
screenshareFeeds: CallFeed[] = []
state: GroupCallState = GroupCallState.LocalCallFeedUninitialized
transmitTimer: null | Timeout = null
userMediaFeeds: CallFeed[] = []


  • Call Setup

    There are two different paths for calls to be created:

    1. Incoming calls triggered by the Call.incoming event.
    2. Outgoing calls to the initial members of a room or new members as they are observed by the RoomState.members event.


    Returns void

  • Sets the mute state of the local participants's video.


    Whether muting/unmuting was successful


    • muted: boolean

      Whether to mute the video

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Sets the mute state of the local participants's microphone.


    Whether muting/unmuting was successful


    • muted: boolean

      Whether to mute the microphone

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • emitStateEvent: boolean = true

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • stream: MediaStream

    Returns Promise<void>

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